From Store Commander version 2018-02-27 de Store Commander, we have improved the process of creating specific prices on products using the CSV import, by introducing the field specific price: id_shop
This field allows you to setup a discount price on a product or on a combination on specific shop(s).
For example, applying a 10% discount on shop A and a 20% discount on shop B, for the same product.
In this case, your CSV file will be as follow:
The corresponding mapping will be:
And we will have the 2 specific prices on that product in both shops specified by id_shop
If you wish to apply the same discount to all shops, then you use 0 in id_shop in your CSV file:
Note that as always, id_shop_list is still required in all CSV imports in Multistore mode.
You'll find the shop ID in the Multistor Sharing Manager in the Property column in Store Commander, or in the Multistore section of your PrestaShop backoffice.