Issue linked to the tax rule included in csv import file fixed
The wholesale price is now taken into account when using the option 'Combinations (copy/paste)'
The Description panel is hidden by default within the property column of the Category interface
The quick export option has been added to the Images property
The 'Ecotax' field has been renamed 'Ecotax inc. tax'
The structure of a parent category is automatically closed upon the selection of a child category of another parent category - Sc setting to choose
A shortcut to the Inteface Customization tool is now available at the end of the view list of all central columns of Sc interface (Customize)
CMS Pages
Column display options added to the central column toolbar
Customer Service
The quick export option is now available in the grids of the interface
A PDF column is added to the Orders & Products property, allowing the download of invoices and delivery slips from this grid
The size of the order status drop down list now adapted to the status names
Order Export
The option 'select' all' is available under the list of order status to allow a full selection
The field 'number of products' has been added to the list of exported fields (Templates)
The field 'note' can now be exported as part of the template fields
The option 'Load the first 1000 products' is now automatically disabled when selecting a filtering option in the corresponding menu
Modifying the image legends is now registered in Sc History (Tools menu)
Catalog CSV Export
The .csv extension is now automatically added, to facilitate the configuration
Feature group names are listed in alphabetical order in the Options menu of the export mapping
Customer CSV Import
Option to filter file names added
New field added to the Discount code property panel (Orders > Discount vouchers): Total Discount inc. Tax
Issue fixed linked to price rounding on combination prices
Fix applied on the image compression activation process
A few translations corrected
Catalog CSV Import
Problem with the option 'create a duplicate' now fixed
Customer Service
Email subjets are now correctly translated on messages sent via Sc Customer Service interface
Order Export Pro
Template field names displayed in the correct language
Customer Export Pro
Template field names displayed in the correct language
Issue related to random creation of combinations fixed (on specific PS configuration)
The specific prices property will now display the prices on shops corresponding to the permissions set on the PS employee
Another default interface (Orders/Customer) is automatically displayed when the Catalog interface is not authorized on the employee's Sc permissions
The url rewrite is no longer impacted when the Title and the Meta Title are modified with the Advanced Search SEO Pages interface within Sc (Catalog menu)
Fix applied when uploading webp images on products in Sc interface
Catalog CSV Import
Modifications are now correctly saved in the quick edit window
Fix applied when using the identifier 'Supplier Ref. four. THEN prod. name'
The 'unit price' field is now rounded up to 6 digits to avoir price errors during a csv import
Combinations are now correctly displayed in the search panel of the order creation window
Fix applied in the result panel on the control 'products with missing image legend'
Interface Customization
Access to the tool is no longer accessible on Sc toolbars when it's disabled on an employee's Sc permissions
Order Export Pro
Issue fixed on field 'currency name' which exported an empty field
New control: 'Prodctds with price to low' allowing to identify products with a wholesale price lower than the price excl. tax
New control: 'Product images without legend' allowing to identify images with not legend (ALT tags)
New segment: 'Orders with prodcts specific combination attribute
Catalog CSV Import
Message added to inform that products cannot be created if id_product is selected as the identifier
Existing message modified when the import results are 0,0,0 referring to this article
The search panel within the 'Create an order' interface now includes an option to look for active products only
Interface Customization
Specific fields added to the option "*Specific Prices'
A few translations applied
Order Export Pro
New option added to duplicate an existing filter and template list
Customer Export Pro
New option added to duplicate an existing filter and template list
Fix applied on the add image process when the format of one of the image is invalid
Issue fixed when copying/pasting custom features
A few translations applied
Information within the Cart property now correctly displayed when 'All shops' is selected (multistore mode)
Advanced Search (SEO pages)
The interface listing the SEO pages of the Advanced Search module integratged to Sc interface no longer includes pages removed via the PrestaShop backoffice
'date_upd' field is now updated when modifications are applied on combination information
'price' fields are set to read only on Advanced Pack products
Catalog CSV Import
Additional spaces used in image urls (after the separator) are now detected to improve the image import process
Order Export Pro
New product field added: 'ISBN'
New customer field added: 'New customer'
Customer Export Pro
New field added: 'Website'
New field added: 'Private note'
Fixed applied within the feature export/import tool ((PS 1.6.1)
Carriage returns contained in Advanced Pack SEO fields are now correctly detected when exporting the data (quick export)
The toobar option to access to Sc Settings is now taken into account within Sc user permissions
A few translations applied
Catalog CSV Import
Fix applied on field 'specific price: tax' during a csv import
'Additional delivery times' translated in French
Catalog CSV Export
'Additional delivery times' translated in French
The 'Active' field can now be filtred in the interface dedicated to categories
Catalog CSV Import
Coding improvement to better display errors during a csv import - for PS 8.x only
Feature values are now displayed alphabetically (mapping)
Attribute values are now displayed alphabetically (mapping)
Catalog CSV Export
Segments are no longer visible in the category selection panel
Performance improved within the order display process
Shop Cleaning & Optimization
The width of the 'name' column enlarged for a better ergonomy
Fix applied on the display of the attribute list in the combination panel (multistore mode)
Catalog CSV Import
Fixed applied on the import process of ean13, upc and isbn code
Modification applied on the mime type of some csv file wto fix errors on file upload
Duplicating categories is now functional (interface dedicated to categories)
Errors displayed in the SEO properties when updating SEO fileds are now fixed (PS 8.x only)
Information displayed in the Product property now correct (linked to a specific field of a selected central view)
Customer Services
Fixed applied on the data used in the filtering tool: reset applied upon refresh
Order Export Pro
'Product' filtrer option is now fixed
Fixed applied on the export creation process (in some cases)
Customer Export
Fixed applied on the export creation process (in some cases)
Attachments are now correctly saved when added to products in Sc interface
Catalog CSV Import
CSV files donwload an upload problems now resolved (in some cases)
Catalog CSV Export
Behavior fixed when exporting specific fields according to values selected in 'Options2' in the export mapping
Export Customer and Export Orders modules are now fully integrated to Store COmmander interface
Multiple improvements have been made to the code of our modules to strengthen the security of our tools
Reorganization of the options available on Tools menu
Catalog CSV Export
New option added in 'Exported files' to copy/paste the link of exported files
Display issue fixed within the Combintation property when multiple duplicated were present
The modification of the wholesale price within the property Multistore Combinations now fixed (multistore mode)
Fixed applied on Sc Search tool when duplicated product names exist
Catalog CSV Import
Issue fixed on error linked to MPN and ISBN codes during a csv import
The product margin is now correctly displayed in the cart section within the order creation interface
New security control for PayPal module added
Cookie issue resolved
Tooltips name within the Segment property fixed
New option added to the User Permissions interface allowing to reset passwords - see this article
The option 'Select All' now present in the Feature management interface (Catalog menu)
The option 'Select All' now present in the Feature management interface (Catalog menu)
'Reference' has now been added to the Customer property in the Catalog inteface
Catalog CSV Import
New field added: 'ImageURL défaut' allowing to add a new image and set it as the default image - see this article
New control added to detect producs with an empty 'Type'
The options of the text editor in product descriptions will be displayed in the Sc interface language
The field 'Type' is now added when new products are created
Uploading images when inserting in product description, are no longer added multiple times
The display issue within the Category property is now fixed
Catalog CSV Import
A few translation issues fixed
Modifying the number of lines on the csv import file now automatically modify the number of lines in the data import panel
Interface Customization
All 'Prices' fields are now compulsory in the Combinations grid
Dissociating categories via Category property is now fixed
Fixed applied on product prices (in some cases)
Customer property is now showing the correct number of customers in the grid
The Company name is now fixed in the Customer property of the Catalog interface
The alert related to VAT association to shops is now fixed (multistore mode)
The option 'log in as' is now working in grids including id_address' field
Customer Service
Fix applied on messag status filtering tool
Display issue fixed whereby information was in the wrong column when custom fields were present in the interface
New segment : 'Products with a selling price too low'
The default shop is now selected when opening Store Commander interface (multistore mode)
For security reasons, access permissions modified for all employes with profil other than SuperAdmin: access to Store Commander has to be authorized in the corresponding user permissions in PrestaShop backoffice: option 'Display' on 'Store Commander Installation Module'
Installation links for Order Export, Customer Export, PDF Catalog and GetMyAffiliates modified to apply an easier installation
Total of both 'quantity' columns are now displayed in the bottom line in the Cart property
New options added to the segment 'All products' to select categories
Issue fixed when adding a product with combinations as a product pack: all combinations are now included
The option 'Combination copy/paste' now refreshes automatically when pasting combinations from one product to another
Only shops associated to a selected product are displayed in the Categroy property (multistore mode)
VAT rules associated to specific shops are only available in the Sc Tax drop down menu of the shop selected in the store tree. An alert will popup when a VAT rule is used on a shop where it is not associated (multistore mode)
Catalog CSV Import
Fixed issue on some warnings displayed in the data import panel
Some fields translated in Spanish
The Customers property of the Catalog interface has been reset to fix a data display issue
Images using webp format can be uploaded on product images in Sc (PS 8.x only)
A separator is displayed on mouse hover all column titles for an optimized visual aid
Shortcut added to multiple toolbars of the interface to quickly access the corresponding grid in the Interface customization tool
New option added to Sc Settings to change the server path when adding images to product descriptions (see this article)
New option added to Sc Settings to set the ALT ta (legend) on images: product name or product name + manufacturer
New Address view added to the Suppliers interface (Catalog menu)
'Active' field added to the Product property panel within the Suppliers interface (Catalog menu)
New segment: 'Products whith no attachment'
New segment: 'Products associated to one or more carriers'
New segment: 'Products created or modified since X days'
New segment: 'Orders since X days'
New segment: 'Customers associated to one or more groups'
New control: 'Display TODO categories with products within'
Interface Customization
Catalog > Product Packs property now customizable module fields now available in the Interface Customization to be added to product views
'reference' field now editable within the Product property of the Suppliers interface (Catalog > Suppliers)
'supplier reference' field now editable within the Product property of the Suppliers interface (Catalog > Suppliers)
'reference' field now editable within the Product property of the Manufacturer interface (Catalog > Manufacturers)
'Group' field is now available in the Customers property of the Catalog interface
Catalog CSV Import
New option added to Sc Setting to set how to sort existing csv files within the import panel: sort by name or sort by created/modified date
Catalog CSV Export
New option added to Sc Setting to set how to sort existing scripts within the export panel: sort by name or sort by created/modified date
The combination copy/paste option no longer requires a manual refresh
Permission linked to Sc updates modified for a better employee accounts management