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Error: The controller adminstorecommander is missing or invalid

During Store Commander's installation process, you obtain the error;

The controller adminstorecommander is missing or invalid

The installation can be finalized because Store Commander cannot be added to PrestaShop Modules menu.

  • Try adding Store Commander to this menu manually following the instructions in this article.
  • If you then get the same error or the message below, the problem comes from your database, as mentioned in the error:

An error occured during the creation of object tab (Unknown column 'hide_host_mode' in 'field list')"

You need to fix this by running the following query in your database (adapt prefix "ps_" in table "ps_tab" if necessary):

ALTER TABLE `ps_tab` ADD `hide_host_mode` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `active`;


Contact your web agency if you need assistance with applying this modification within your database.