2024 e-commerce events and key dates

Events et dates clés du e-commerce en 2024

Again this year, a calendar with events and key dates around e-commerce and Store Commander is available to you.

You will find e-commerce events, Store Commander key dates (shows, Sc webinars, etc), as well as our communication on these important times.

This logo  will show you the events Store Commander will be present at, in person or online, as well as our available information linked to these e-commerce key dates.

The Sc team will update this calendar when required, so don't hesitate to add it to your bookmarks and check it on a regular basis.

  • 12th May: Mother’s Day
  • 13th - 14th May: E-Show Barcelona 
  • 25th May: Geek Pride Day

  • TBD: Amazon Prime Day

  • 31st Aug: International Blog Day

  • 17th - 19th Sept: Paris Retail Week
  • 20th Sept: World Cleanup Day
  • 30th Sept: World podcast day

  • 16-17th Oct: E-Show Madrid
  • 23th - 25th Oct: Retail Data Day
  • 31st Oct: Halloween
  • TBC: Amazon Prime Day
  • TBD: Webinar Sc

  • 2nd Dec: Cyber Monday
  • 8th Dec: World climate day
  • 20th Dec : Ugly Christmas Sweater Day
  • 25th Dec : Christmas (Year-end sales made easy with Sc tools! )
  • 26th Dec : Boxing Day
  • 31st Dec : New Year's Eve