We would like to add the field 'specific action'' store in ps_specific_action table (by default this table does not exist in Prestashop).
We will then be able to:
- use the filters in the grids to optimize the selection of products
- mass-edit this field using Store Commander's copy/paste option
- rapidly export the products grid with this field
To add the field to the list of available fields for your products grids, click on the in the 'Add a field' panel and enter the following information:
What is the field ID?: specific action (should be exactly the name as it is in the database).
Sc creates the field, you now need to populate the grid with:
Field name: specific action
Table: another table
Refresh combinations: No
Type: multiple choice
Taking the example of table ps_specific_action includes the following fields:
id_specific_action, id_product, specific_action
From the Advanced Properties panel on the right handside:
- select the menu List of choice and enter:
return array(0=>_l('Aucune'), 1=>_l('Colis fragile, emballer avec carton A1'), 2=>_l('Colis long, emballer avec carton B3'));
- select the menu SQL Select and enter:
return ' ,sact.specific_action';
- select the menu SQL Left Join and enter:
return " LEFT JOIN "._DB_PREFIX_."specific_action sact ON (sact.id_product= p.id_product)";
- select the menu PHP onAfterUpdateSQL and enter:
if (isset($_POST["specific_action"])) {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM " . _DB_PREFIX_ . "specific_action WHERE id_product=" . (int)$idproduct;
$res = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($sql);
$specific_action = (int)Tools::getValue('specific_action', 0);
if (count($res)) {
if ($specific_action) {
$sql = "UPDATE " . _DB_PREFIX_ . "specific_action SET specific_action=" . (int)$specific_action . " WHERE id_product=" . (int)$idproduct;
} else {
$sql = "DELETE FROM " . _DB_PREFIX_ . "specific_action WHERE id_product=" . (int)$idproduct;
} else {
$sql = "INSERT INTO " . _DB_PREFIX_ . "specific_action (id_product,specific_action) VALUES (" . (int)$idproduct . "," . (int)$specific_action . ")";
Exit the editing window and add the field to your grids.