The field has to be present in the database and in a Product class override
We would like to export a field added to a table from another module.
To add the field to the list of available export fields, click on the in the 'Add a field' panel and enter the following information:
What is the field ID?: my_field (has to correspond exactly to the field name in Product Class)
Sc creates the field, you now need to populate the grid with:
ID: my_field
Name: my_field
From the Advanced Properties panel on the right handside:
- select the menu Export Process and enter:
if (in_array($switchObject, array('my_field'))) {
$field = 0;
$sql = "SELECT `".$switchObject."`
FROM " . _DB_PREFIX_ . "my_table
WHERE id_product=" . (int)$p->id;
$res = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($sql);
if (count($res)) {
$field = (int)$res[0][$switchObject];
You will need to adapt this code to your needs.
Exit the editing window.
The new field can now be included in your export mapping.