Order Export PrestaShop Module:
Save time when managing the e-commerce site accountings!
Discover Sc Order Export Pro module for PrestaShop and save time every month when doing your accounts!
Export orders fast...
...in order to save time when doing your accounts! Whether you're the one dealing with the accounts or if you use third party services, you're goal is to spend as less time as possible on this task.
It's easy with Order Export PRO module by Store Commander: you configure and save your export templates containing order information of your PrestaShop online store in a single operation.
You choose the filter options you need. On top of all export and filtering options available, you can also get order breakdowns for accounting needs, by coutry, by VAT, by currency, payment method, etc.
Functionalities in Order Export PRO module for PrestaShop
The filtering level is very accurate and you can mix and match filters as you wish. The filtering possibilities are almost endless, allowing you to customize all your exports. Filters include for instance:
Order statuses
Invoice and shipping dates
Payment methods
Amount paid, discounts, shipping
Products/categories within orders
Customer information
Shipping and invoicing information
You can also include lots of specific fields in your export templates, such as: