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Updates 2011

Store Commander - 2011 updates history




- New feature added: exporting products characteristics

- Preference added "using former file paths" for servers using safe_mode with non possibility to use the new images management system  (from Prestashop 1.4.3)
- Enhancement of the tool in the menu Catalog > Tools > Check and correct categories (deletes duplucates and corrects the field level_depth)
- New "Updating Store Commander" link added in the help menu to force an update  (providing that your support is still active)
- UTF8 encoding issue fixed on the first linesur la première ligne d'u of a CSV file under UTF8 format
- Bug fixing in relation to the tool that filters characteristics which displays characteristics used in the category
- Bug fixing on the image link of the product cover of the CSV export feature
- Bug fixing in relation to of the way the list of combination images is being displayed when clicking onto an image and that no image is being used
- Automatic selection of texts in the products grid is back when clicking into cells
- Bug fixing in relation to the modification of the product's conditioning



- Export of the stock value added (quantity x purchase price excl. VAT)
- Export of the UPC code (Prestashop 1.4) added
- Export of products transport costs added (works if the carrier is a standard carrier, does not work on extenal carriers's modules) (Prestashop 1.4Export of price with shipping costs added (Prestashop 1.4)
- Export of available_now/later message added according to the available quantity
- Images are now properly displayed in the grids with Prestashop 1.4.3 release.
- Problem when calculating the column "Quantity+/-" when efreshcing the grid fixed
- Store Commander version release that was not updating itself after update dated 6th June fixed




- Menu "Catalog > Tools > Check & modify products language fields for all languages" added which allows to translate products descriptions within Store Commander without having to activate languages
- Menu "Catalog > Promotions > Delete all promotions" for Prestashop >= 1.4 added
- Query relating to promotions management for MySQL 5.0 servers fixed (use the above-mentioned menu to reinitialize promotions)
- Incompatibility relating to exporting combinations in Prestashop fixed




- The promotions mass management system available in Store Commander for PrestaShop 1.1/1.2/1.3 is now available in Store Commander for Prestashop 1.4.

Useful information:

  • Promotions grid uses the default client group
  • Promotions are available as from a quantity of 1
  • for all currencies and
  • for all countrie
  • Columns of reduced prices are calculated when refreshing the grid, not in real time

- Recording products descriptions issue when switchng languages fixed





- Improvement of a help message in the CSV import feature
-Bug fixed and optimization of the drag & drop feature for products onto parent categories when products already belong to several sub-categories
-Bug fixed of the default image displayed in the products grid when the product does not have any image associated to them
-Bug fixed on the CSV import window > Data Import which now has a new scroll bar useful to manually create elements in the database.


  • CSV Import: new column Minimum Quantity added 
  • CSV Import: optimization of the CSV import feature now allowing for larger size mappings  
  • CSV Import: new system added, internal to the CSV import feature, allowing to create sophisticated products identification systems when undertaking updates from suppliers files
  • Bug fixed which was blocking the automatic creation of elements during the CSV importation
  • CSV Export: new filter system added allowing to export CSV data without HTML code (in the column Mapping modifications, please enter "strip_tags" to get the result)
  • CSV Export: optimization of the CSV export feature for categories with full path
  • Display bug fixed in the CSV Export window when using Internet Explorer
  • New preference added to desactivate the display of an alert if the purchasing price > selling price (Section "Alerts" > purchasing price > selling price" in the menu Tools > preferences)
  • When switching to another language, products descriptions are now updated within the interface
  • Bug fixed on hidden categories created by SC for PS1.4, the menu Catalog > Tools > Check and correct the field level_depth of categories, corects the problem for categories created previously
  • Optimization of the products grid display view with the image column



-Fixing of a calculation issue when combinations are being created
-New colmn added: ecotax for combinations (PS 1.4)



- Problem when calculating a VAT inclusive price when creating a new combination fixed.



-New preference added: display all languages. Allows the translation of texts in languages that are desactivated into Prestashop

-New preference added: Direction of tabs. Allows to either edit the element in the next column, or the element on the next line when the tab key is active.

-New button added "Select all combinations" within the combinations toolbar
-New field added within the Universal CSV Export: id_product+"_"+id_product_attribute so that you can now obtain a unique reference per product/combination if different from the product reference
-New field added within the Universal CSV Export: stock value which allows to export the result of Sale Price excl. VAT x Quantity.

-New option within the Universal CSV Export: you can now configure your export scripts  so that you only export products and combinations that are in stock.
-Compatibility PrestaShop 1.4 effective



-New menu Tools > Server > Page not found 404
-New menu Tools > Server > Empty Smarty cache
-CSV Import: New automatic import launch tool to avoid overloading the server, especially on mutualized servers
-CSV Import: New product's identification mode: "Supplier Reference THEN Product Name"
-New preference added to delete the association of products to categories : allows to move products to perfectly match the CSV file. Prior to this enhancement, products were always added to speficied categories.
-New preference added to desactivate the images display in the grids: induces higher displaying performances.
-New preference added to force a products's basic price to 0 and associate prices in the CSV file only to combinations.
-New preference added so actions are not recorded in the change history log.
-New column added in the CSV files parameters allowing to speficy a line of columns headers when they do not exist (very useful for automatic imports from management software).
-New contextual menu added on the categories tree to display/hide categories on the store.
-Enhancement of the properties panel for products "categories": you can now more easily mass-associating products to several categories at the same time
-New column added in the promotion grid to display the discounted price (amount or percentage).
-Modification: in a multilingual store, when the name of the product is entered in one language, it is affected to the other languages to make translations easier
-The selection icon for all products now works on mode "list of all products".
-Bug fixed of an interface issue when dragging & dropping on the categories tree requiring scrolling of the tree.
-Bug fixed when the descriptions panel was selected as default panel within the interface
-Bug fixed: display problem on multilingual customized characteristics
-Bug fixed: FireFox restriction relating to the maximum size of 4Ko for certain XML data.
-Bug fixed: when associating images to categories, when the same images are imported several times for several products
-Update of Ioncube loaders.


-New Universal CSV Export launched (Introductory video in French)
-New mass-edition of products margins according to the chosen method of calculation
-New preference added to edit the size of images in the grids: small, medium etc.

-Bug fixed in relation to the way selected products default category are displayed
-SC Trial version now allows to apreciate Store Commander's performances on 1/4 of the database, as opposed to 10 products before


-Amélioration du système de filtre des catégories dans le panneau des propriétés des produits.
-Correction d'un problème d'affichage des produits sur la vue "liste de tous les produits".
-Optimisation des performances sur l'affichage de listes de produits.



New grid available: text descriptions displays long and short descriptions. You should activate this option in Store Commander's preferences
- New feature: supports transparent PNG images and controls compression rate for high quality images
- New feature: automatic association of external images to combinations added to Store Commander  (http link)
- New documentation now more easily available on 
- English version of Store Commander's documentation now available online  (http link)
- Correction of a reported problem relating to cookies' expiry date on the grid preferences
- You are now able to reset your license in case your hosting provider modifies the IP address of your server or changes the access route to Store Commander. Simply go to the My Licenses page which you can access from your client account