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Problem: modifications are not being applied


When applying modifications to products within Store Commander's interface, the lines go bold and never validate or maybe after a rather long time.

This validation problem can also happen when products are being modified via CSV import.

Some PrestaShop modules can sometimes drastically slow this validation process down when it comes to modifiying products, whether using Store Commander's interface or the CSV import.

Indeed, each time a product is modified, some modules using PrestaShop Hooks are trigged to then operate one or multiple specific actions. These actions are slowing the validation process down, especially when an access to the remote server is made to update the product on a price comparison site for instance.

To find out what these modules are, from PrestaShop backoffice > Modules > Positions, tick the option 'display invisible hooks'.

For PS versions 1.7.x Appearance > Positions

Then run a search for the hook called ActionProductUpdate. You will see the list of modules hooked.


To avoid these issues, it will be necessary to check the configuration of such modules and setup a CRON task when possible to automate the process when products are being modified.

These modules will be triggered on a regular basis rather than every time a modification is made on products.

Store Commander allows you to apply modifications onto hundreds of products in a minute, and it would be best to avoid these triggers to spoil your experience with Store Commander.

To setup CRON tasks for these modules, please refer to the documentation specific to these modules. It would also be advised to remove these modules from PrestaShop hooks (refer to modules and/or PrestaShop documentation).

Known modules allowing a CRON task:

  • Advanced Search
  • Ebay
  • Shopping Flux
  • PriceMinister
  • Amazon
  • MailChimp Integration
  • ...



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