Database fields that you add are used in queries already calling some tables in the database
Below is the list of tables used by grid, and you can use the aliases provided.
Product grid |
Table | Alias |
product |
product_lang |
image |
If Prestashop version is >= 1.5 | |
product_supplier |
stock_available |
supplier_shop |
product_shop |
Combination grid |
Table | Alias |
product |
product_attribute |
product_attribute_combination |
attribute |
attribute_group |
attribute_lang |
attribute_group_lang |
If Prestashop version is >= 1.5 | |
product_shop |
product_attribute_shop |
product_supplier |
stock_available |
Multi-Store Combination grid |
Table | Alias |
product_attribute |
product_attribute_shop |
Order grid |
Table | Alias |
orders |
order_history |
message (if Message column is used) |
order_detail (if In Stock column is used) |
customer |
address (shipping address) |
address (invoice address) |
storecom_delivery_info ((if SC Delivery Dates add-on is installed) |
Customer grid |
Table | Alias |
customer |
address (if id_address is present in the grid) |