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Managing attachments within the interface

With Store Commander you can manage all your attachments using the interface or the CSV import tool.


Adding attachments

To add one or more files, simply click on the  icon on the toolbar to open up the upload window.

In the upload window, the icon  located on the toolbar and enabled by default (on an orange background) means that all the uploaded files will also be associated to the products you would have selected before opening up the upload window, feeding two birds with one seed!

So, you can add and associate attachments in a single step!


Deleting attachments

To delete attachments, simply select the corresponding lines and hit the  on the toolbar.


Associating attachments

To associate attachments to your products, first select the products and then either tick the corresponding boxes or select the lines of the attachments to associates and hit the mass-association icon  on the toolbar.


Dissociating attachments

On the contrary, to dissociate attachments off products, untick the boxes or use the mass-dissociation icon  on the toolbar, once you have selected the corresponding lines.


Editing attachment information

You can modify the name and descriptions of any attachments by double clicking the cells to be in edit mode.


Filtering attachments

If you have a long list of attachments, you can use the filtering tool to display only the attachments you need, like filtering by name in the below example.


Modifying File contents

If you need to modify the contents of an attachments, select the document and hit the  icon on the toolbar.

In the panel below, fetch the new file and upload it. This will replace the current attachment.


For information on managing attachments in bulk using Store Commander's CSV import tool, please refer to this article.