With Store Commander you can export a list of customers who previously ordered a specific product.
The interest lies in the possibility of sending targeted follow-ups in order to offer a promotional code or a complimentary product to these customers for instance, and thereby encouraging customer loyalty and visit on your store.
From the Catalog interface, select the concerned product, and then open the Customers panel in the Properties column (right handside).
Automatically, the list of all customers who purchased this product is displayed.
You could of course select multiple products, a whole category for example, to see all customers who bought at least one of these products.
Once you have the list displayed, you can export it using the quick export option, the on the toolbar. This is a simple copy/paste function of the information in the panel onto a spreadsheet.
There you are, after a few clicks, you now have the email addresses of all customers who ordered the Satin Trousers. You can now contact them to offer a promotional code on a complimentary product such as a belt for instance. This would encourage them to come back to your site to order more products!