Store Commander's CSV import and export tools allow you to modify your products in bulk, such as deleting products combinations in a specific category for example, or even replace the combinations of specific products in bulk.
The first step is to run an export, using Store Commander's CSV export tool, which will include the corresponding category or categories, as well as the following database fields in the mapping:
Within the CSV file generated, insert a column at the very beginning of the file (column A), called 'delete combinations' which will use the value 1 (meaning yes) to delete all combinations associated to the product on that line.
Warning: if you are deleting and recreated new combinations during the same import process, the delete action has to occur only once on the product - as shown in the below CSV file example.
You can then load the CSV file in Store Commander's CSV import tool to delete and/or replace combinations on products listed in the file.
The mapping will be
The identification options will be
In this example, all combinations of products listed in the CSV file are first deleted, and new ones are created and associated to the products, during the same import process, feeding 2 birds with one seed!