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Categories CSV Import

With Store Commander's CSV Import tool dedicated to Categories, you will be able to create or modify existing categories.

The CSV Import tool for categories is accessible from Catalog > Categories > CSV Import.


The available fields are:

The available identification options and import actions are:

Create a category with or without its parent categories

To create a new category using the CSV import tool, you can use either name+parent path or the full path.

1. Option 1: name + parent path

2. Option 2: full path

Specifying parent categories is necessary for Store Commander to create the category to put it at the right place in the tree structure.

If the parent categories do not exist, then will be automatically created during the import process when chosing the action 'Force creation of parent categories and create new category' (see above).

In your CSV file, you can add all other information to associate to your categories such as the image, the description, the meta data, and also associate customer groups and even decide to enable/disable the category with the field 'active'.

Modify a category

To modify information on a category, add columns in your CSV file in which you will add the data the modify + a column for the identifier (name, ID or full path).

You can use the CSV Export tool dedicated to categories to export the current data on a CSV file, so you can modify them in that file, and finally apply the modifications by importing the CSV file.

Please refer to this article for information on the CSV Export tool dedicated to categories.

Add/Delete/Replace images

To add an image to your categories, 2 options:

1. enter the image filename in the 'image' column. The file will be stored on your FTP in /modules/storecommander/import/categories/images/.

2. enter the full URL path where the image file is stored, such as

To replace the image associated to a category, insert a column 'Action: delete images' at the very beginning of your CSV file, using value 1 for YES (0=NO), and another column 'image' containing the new image filename to associate.

Language options

The language option is available for these fields: name, description, and all meta fields. You will need to insert a column for each language like this example:

The languages are then available to choose in the Options column in the mapping panel.

Associating/Dissociating customer groups

To associate customer groups to categories, insert a column 'groups' where you will enter the name of the groups, separated by a comma if using more than one (comma is the default value separator, changeable).

You can also dissociate all groups off a category in bulk by inserting a column 'Action: dissociate groups' at the at the very beginning of your CSV file, using value 1 for YES (0=NO).

To associate new ones during the same import process, insert a column 'groups' where the name of the new groups will be added.


In Multistore mode

If you work in multistore mode, 2 additional fields will be necessary during your CSV import for categories:

id_shop_defaut: shop ID that will be set as default for the category. Necessary when creating categories.

id_shop_list: shop ID(s) where the category will be present in. Necessary when creating categories, and compulsory when modifying categories.


You will find some options in Store Commander > Tools > Settings related to category management, such as: