Once the Advanced Stock option is enabled in PrestaShop backoffice, new columns are added to Store Commander's interface:
Advanced Stock Management includes 3 options:
- Disabled: no warehouse is associated to the product and the stock management is manually done
- Enabled: one or more warehouses are associated to the product and the stock management will be done in the 'Advanced stocks' grid
- Enabled + Manual Mgmt : a warehouse is associated to the product but the stock management will be done manually
To be able to quickly identify the stock management mode used, we have introduced color codes for each case.
no color: disabled + no warehouse associated
light green: enabled + associated warehouse + warehouse currently selected
light orange: enabled + associated warehouse(s) + associated warehouse(s) other than the currently selected
dark orange: enabled + no associated warehouse
grey the product uses combinations
Note that the colors are also applied to the other 3 columns (quantities) associated to the stock management mode.
When a product uses combinations, the 'Quantity available' cell will always be grey, whatever stock management mode is selected.