With Store Commander you can associate accessories to products in bulk in just a few seconds, whether you have just a few or hundreds of products. Let's see how.
If you only have a few accessories to associate
- From the Properties panel, select the Accessories menu to display all existing accessories
- Select the products from the Products panel using SHIFT or CMD
- Simply tick/untick the boxes opposite the accessory's name to quickly associate/dissociate them to/from the selected products

If you have hundreds of accessories to associate
- From the Properties panel, select the Accessories menu to display all existing accessories
- Select the products from the Products panel using SHIFT or CMD
- Select the accessories you wish to associate (on orange background)
- Simply click on the mass-association icon
on the toolbar

The same steps apply if you wish to dissociate accessories from products: untick the corresponding boxes or use the mass-dissociation icon
once the accessories have been selected.
To associate your products to accessories in bulk using Store Commander's CSV import tool, please refer to the article below.