Automatic update Sc for PrestaShop

Automatic updates Sc for PrestaShop

Store Commander R&d teams work permanently on the constant improvement of our Sc for PrestaShop module. Since its creation in 2009, we publish monthly updates, allowing us to follow all of PrestaShop ecosystem evolutions. Beside the compatibility with PrestaShop 8, we have also provided you with new production, security and optimization tools for your shop.

Therefore, all of Store Commander for PrestaShop subscribers can benefit from these updates. Every month, we offer the latest novelties in Sc for PrestaShop. Since October 2022, you can enable the automatic updates and be free from the manual mode!

What are the benefits for you?

  • Take advantage of all Store Commander novelties: on a monthly basis, we bring Sc module fixes and optimization. Updates are therefore the easiest way to be sure that you get all the latest Sc functionalities. Accessing these updates means that you can enjoy our tools to their full potential and improve productivity on your shop.
  • Gain more security: very sensible and current topic for the last few years. Updating your module is one of the best solutions to be protected from malicious attacks, and to fix security breaches that could have been identified.
  • Be as close as possible and follow PrestaShop ecosystem evolutions: we therefore make sure that our module does not have any technical lag when it comes to the CMS, and it’s consequently compatible with the most recent versions. If you change your PrestaShop version, Sc will adapt itself automatically and you’ll continue working seamlessly.

What does this mean in practice?

In automatic mode, Store Commander will get updated without any action from you at 6:00am, the morning following the publication of the new version.

There is no risk on the operating of your shop: Sc is a backoffice tool that does not have any implication on the front office or its order process.

Going further:

Control your data integrity with FixMyPrestaShop.

Accessible from the Sc Tools menu, FixMyPrestaShop is available in all subscription plans. It allows you to run an audit of your e-commerce site with technical information targeted at developers, as well as information more relevant to merchants (ex: duplicated EAN13). FixMyPrestaShop will then be able to detect problems on your shop and generating error lists with the possibility to fix them in a simple manner. Security controls are also included to fix numerous security issues.

As part of the constant improvement of our Sc module, we regularly add new control points in FixMyPrestaShop. Activating the automatic updates in Sc is therefore the quickest way, and with no action from you, to access these new controls and prevent potential attacks.

The Sc Team advice: activate the automatic updates right now on your PrestaShop store from the menu Help > Update Sc, if it’s not already done!

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