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Why do modifications slow to be validated?

Whenever you apply modifications to products in bulk, it might take some time to be valided, and sometimes changes will not be applied at all.

This can come from various sources, that we'll explain here.

1- It's important to know the type of server your shop is hosted on, because all modification you apply in Store Commander is processed by your server.

If you're on a shared server, then there's a strong chance that this could be the reason for modifications to be validated really slowly. It's strongly recommended to be on a dedicated server to benefit from better performances.

2- Whenever you apply modifications on products in Sc, some PrestaShop hooks are triggered.

These hooks are visible in your backoffice > Appearance > Positions (PS 1.7.x versions).

Multiple modules installed on your shop will using some of these hooks.

A modification made in Sc will trigger the hook actionProductUpdate (amongst others).

It's important to have the less possible modules triggered through that hook, so that they don't slow down the modification process in Sc.

As a reminder, we have this article referring to this possible configuration, and various modules which could be an issue on your shop.

3- We previously mentioned that modifications done in Sc are processed by your server (hence the importance of being hosted on a dedicated server).

When applying bulk modifications, it can happen that the process takes too long and your server will stop that process by trigerring the 'Server Timeout'.

A server timeout is triggered following a lack of ressources during a process, or because the process takes too long.

To fix this, you can increase the timeout on your server configuration and/or increase the memory_limit setting within the php configuation of your PrestaShop store.

For information, you can see these settings in your backoffice > Advanced Settings > Informations

The slow process issues should then be fixed.

On the other hand, if the problem persists, you can contact our support team using